As a counsellor I try to keep abreast of the presenting reasons why clients seek counselling. In my private practice over the past couple of years the top three reasons for a new client seeking counselling are:
- Work related stress - 21% of clients
- Bereavement - 17% of clients
- Anxiety - 15% of clients
This data is inline with the recent report published by the HSE, in which they write that,
"2020/21 work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work related ill health".
I often hear from clients who say that their employer expects them to be accessible at all times, even during holiday periods. Clients feel over whelmed managing their inboxes. Since the COVID-19 pandemic they struggle with endless online meetings.
If stress isn't reduced then overtime this can lead to anxiety and it often does. Long term stress has a significant affect on our bodies, it can lead to:
reduction immunity
increased blood pressure
poor short term memory
bad digestion
low mood
changes to blood sugar levels
artery clogging
faster aging
decreased sex drive
increased anger
Overall it makes you feel pretty lousy and not good company to be around. As an employee you wont perform in the longer term at your best or enjoy going to work.
Often we hear that "people are the most important part of an organisation". So why is it that so many people find themselves feeling stressed and have to take time off work to recover.
As a Counsellor clients are often reluctant to take time off or make time to switch off and relax. Until clients do this and do it properly then they do not come out of the stress. Many times clients will report after a period of downtime that they didn't realise how ill they had become.
The highest cause of stress at work according to the HSE report 2021 is work load.
If you're a boss or a colleague just take a moment when you're in work to check in with your team and yourself. Look for what can be reduced, shared or removed in terms of workload. Make sure that break times are taken and spent away from the area you work.
At home set a time to switch off your phone, laptop etc. Give yourself a break from work and do something often for yourself that allows you to feel relaxed and in the moment.
If you feel you are stress and need more support speak to someone, a colleague, a friend, a health professional or a counsellor.
